Aloha, Nanea

So as you may have noticed, I recently brought Nanea home.

When I first saw pictures of Nanea I wasn’t a fan. I thought she looked too much like a Wellie Wisher. However, I actually do like the Wellie Wisher molds. Once I saw pictures of her in different lighting, she started to grow on me.

I have been keeping up with people’s discussions of current AG doll quality and I have to say, they are right. Nanea’s vinyl is soft and squishy. Not like rubber, but when I squeeze it there’s a noticeable give. By comparison, my older AGs have vinyl that’s firm as a rock. 

The whites of her eyes are also very bright and sharp. Her eyes are a little sunken and if I turn her to the side I can see through the socket to the white pegs of the eyes.

But she is a very pretty doll. I bought a couple of her sets - the swimsuit and the birthday set - and her little Brownie camera is probably in my top 10 doll purchases all year. (I was so sad when I realized I had missed Molly's travel set which included a camera - but now I have one!)

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